Fitness Research & Resources
Miss Amy is accredited for Kids & Teen Fitness, Yoga I & II, Pilates, Tai-Chi, Strength Training, Primary Aerobics, Pre/Post Natal Fitness, and Childhood & Adolescent Nutrition. She is also a certified Youth/Adolescent Fitness Trainer.
In addition, the following fitness references have been used in the compilation of Miss Amy’s Fitness Rock & Roll program:
The Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success Through Healthy School Environments (2013) The GENYOUth Foundation – This report addresses why schools play a more important role than ever in helping forge the nation’s future. It illuminates the vital importance of improved nutrition and increased physical activity in creating an environment that enriches students’ readiness to learn. In cooperation with The National Dairy Council (NDC), the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American School Health Association (ASHA).
K-Fit Kansas Fitness Information Tracking (2014) New study shows positive relationship between physical fitness and academic test scores among Kansas students
PBS NewsHour (2014) Why Recess & Physical Education are Making a Comeback
National Academy of Sciences/The Institute of Medicine (2013) Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School released May 2013 National Academy of Sciences, The Institute of Medicine
National Academy of Sciences/The Institute of Medicine (2014) Get 60 Minutes: Ways for students to get the recommended amount of physical activity during the school day – Helpful tools and infographics
American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement. (2006). Active healthy living: Prevention of childhood obesity through increased physical activity. Pediatrics 117(5): 1834 -1842. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. . (2011). Making the case for educating the whole child . Alexandria, VA. Retrieved on March 22, 2013, from
Basch, C.E. (2010). Healthier students are better learners: A missing link in efforts to close the achievement gap. Equity Matters: Research Review No. 6. Retrieved on March 22, 2013, from
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). School health guidelines to promote healthy eating and physical activity. MMWR 60(RR-5):28-33. Carlson, S., Fulton J., Lee, S., Maynard, L., Brown, D., Kohl, H., and Dietz, W. (2008). Physical education and academic achievement in elementary school: Data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. American Journal of Public Health 98(4):721-27.
Castelli, Hillman, D., Buck, S., & Erwin, H. (2007). Physical fitness and academic achievement in third and fifth-grade students. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 29:287-88.
Chomitz, V., Slining, M., McGowan, R., Mitchell, S., Dawson, G., &Hacker, K. (2009). Is there a relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement? Positive Results From Public School Children in the Northeastern United States. Journal of School Health, 79: 30-37.
Clancy, M. 2006. Active bodies,active brains. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Cone, T.,Werner, P., Cone, S., and Woods, A. (1998). Interdisciplinary teaching through physical education. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishing.
Elliott, E. & Belcher, D. [Developers]. Take Charge Be Healthy! [Online]. Princeton, WV. World Wide Web:
Elliott, E., & Palmer, S. [Developers]. Healthy Hearts. [Online]. Princeton, WV. World Wide Web:
Elliott, E. & Sanders, S. (2002). Keeping children moving: Promoting physical activity throughout the curriculum. Teacher Source, PBS. Accessed on March 22, 2013 from
Erwin HE, Beighle A, Morgan CF, Noland M. (2011). Effect of a low-cost, teacher-directed classroom intervention on elementary students’ physical activity. J Sch Health. 81(8):455-61.
Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind, the theory of multiple intelligence. New York: Basic Books.
Fingon, J.( 2011). Integrating children’s books and literacy into physical education curriculum. Strategies 24 (4):12-40.
Glickman, D., Parker, L., Sim, L., Cook, H., & Miller, E. (Ed) (2012) Accelerating progress in obesity prevention: Solving the weight of the nation. Committee on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine.
Graham, G., Holt-Hale, S., Parker, M. (2012). Children Moving, (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: McGraw-Hill.
Graham, G., Wilkins, J., Westfall, S., Parker, S., Fraser, R.,and Tembo, M. (2002). The effects of high-stakes testing on elementary school art, music and physical education. Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 73(8): 51-54.
Hannaford, C. 1995. Smart moves. Alexander, NC: Great Ocean Publishers.
Hichwa, J. 1998. Right fielders are people too. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Hillman, C.,.Pontifex, M., Raine, L., Castelli, D., Hall, E., and Kramer, A. (2009). The effect of acute treadmill walking on cognitive control and academic achievement in preadolocent children. Neuroscience 159: 1044-1054.
Institute of Medicine. (2005). Preventing childhood obesity: Health in the balance. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Jensen, E. (2000). Learning with the body in mind. San Diego, CA: The Brain Store.
Mahar, M., Murphy, S., Rowe, D., Golden, J., Shields, A., Raedeke, T. (2006).Effects of a classroom-based program on physical activity and on-task behavior. Med Sci Sport Exer 38:2086-94.
Manross, M. [Developer]. PE Central [Online]. Blacksburg, VA. World Wide Web:
McCracken, B. (2001). It’s not just gym anymore. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
National Association for Sport and Physical Education.( 2009). Comprehensive school physical activity programs. Reston, VA: NASPE.
National Association for Sport and Physical Education (2008). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program [Position Statement]. Beigle, A., Elliott, E., McKenzie, T., Woods, A. Strategies 21 (6).
National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004). Physical activity for children: A statement of guidelines for children ages 5-12. Reston, VA: NASPE.
National Education Content Standards – Available online at:
National Governor’s Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common Core State Standards. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.
National Physical Activity Plan. [Online] (2010). National Physical Activity Plan Coordinating Committee. World Wide Web:
Pate, R., Davis, M., Robins, T., Stone, E., McKenzie, T., & Young, J. (2006). Promoting physical activity in children and youth: A leadership role for schools. Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. 114, 1214-1224.
Placek, J. (1992). Rethinking middle school physical education curriculum: An integrated, thematic approach. Quest 44:330-41.
Prigge, D. (2002). 20 ways to promote brain-based teaching and learning. Intervention in School and Clinic 37(4): 237–41.
Ratey, J. (2008). Spark: The revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain. With E. Hagerman. New York: Little, Brown.
Reed, J., Einstein, G., Hahn, E., Hooker, S., Gross, V., and J. Kravitz. (2010). Examining the impact of integrating physical activity on fluid intelligence and academic performance In an elementary school setting: A preliminary Investigation. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 9: 343-351.
Rauschenbach, J. 1996. Tying it all together: Integrating physical education and other subject areas. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 67(2): 49–51.
Roberts, P., & R.Kellough. (2006). A guide for developing interdisciplinary thematic units. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Sallis, J., McKenzie, T., Kolody, B., Lewis, M., Marshall, S., and Rosengard, P. (1999) Effects of health-related physical education on academic achievement: Project SPARK. Res Q Exerc Sport 70(2): 127–34.
Sibley, B., & Etnier. J. (2003). The relationship between physical activity and cognition in children: A meta-analysis. Pediatric Exercise Science 15(3): 243–56.
Strong, W., Malina, R., Blimkie, C., Daniels, S., Dishman, R., Gutin, B., et al.(2005). Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth. The Journal of Pediatrics, 146(6), 732-737.
Trost S. (2009). Active Education: Physical Education, Physical Activity and Academic Performance. A Research Brief. Princeton, NJ: Active Living Research, a National Program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved on March 20, 2013 from
Trudeau, F., & Shephard, R. (2008). Physical education, school physical activity, school sports and academic performance. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5:10.
US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance. Atlanta, GA: USDHHS CDC.
US Department of Health and Human Services.(2008) – Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services. [Available online at:].
US Department of Health and Human Services (2012) – Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report Subcommittee of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Midcourse Report: Strategies to Increase Physical Activity Among Youth. Washington, DC: U.S.
US White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity (2010) – Solving the problem of childhood obesity within a generation: White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report to the President. [Washington, D.C.] : Executive Office of the President of the United States.
Wood, K.E. 2004. Interdisciplinary instruction: A practical guide for elementary and middle school teachers. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.